WELCOME BACK! It felt good to say that out loud to my students and their families at Open House Night this week for New Buffalo Area Schools. I know that everyone enjoys a little time off in the summer but I have been looking forward to this time of year not just because Fall is my favorite season, but also because I miss my Bison Family: the students, the staff, and the community.

There is so much excitement and anticipation for school to start again despite the unknowns that we all endure while living in a pandemic. I know that when we are together, this school building is a force of nature brimming with possibilities as we feed off the energy of being in the presence of each other!
This was my first time being able to meet parents face-to-face since joining the staff of New Buffalo Middle/High School. Not only was there a great community turnout, but we were able to put faces to names from interactions made last year via email, phone, and Zoom. I loved being able to greet familiar faces who were excited to have art class again this trimester, get to know new students who were absorbing the art room atmosphere, and meet parents who were finally able to visit the newly-renovated courtyard where so many students created artwork last year. These halls came alive again with the positive energy and creative vision for our 2021-2022 school year. Thank you for coming to visit and I hope to see you again sometime soon.
