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  • Writer's pictureAshley Jager

Kinetic Op Art Illusions

Art is made to be seen. Each work is created by the artist to communicate a purpose, aesthetic beauty, reflection of the world, or an expression of self. The Op Art paintings of my high school students also require the viewer to move while viewing their work to see the transformation that occurs while walking past. This experience is known as kinetic art that either contains movement perceived by the viewer or depends on motion for its desired effect.

One of the pioneers of kinetic art is Yaacov Agam, an Israeli sculptor and experimental artist, who uses light, sound, and color to create images known as "Agamographs" that appear or disappear depending on the audience's viewpoint.

Above: Yaacov Agam (1928- Present) demonstrating his optical illusions

Students were given the artistic challenge to create their own Agamographs by designing three compositions within the theme of "Opposites Attract" using realistic or abstract images and color schemes to portray distinct images that would be revealed when in transition.

Some students were inspired by nature with the life cycle of plants or the time of day that changes the amount of light from sunrise to sunset. Other students created abstract designs that contrast each other with bold colors.

Students were given skill-building exercises to blend colors, create values, and experiment with watercolor techniques.

Once they had created their three paintings, students built paper Agamographs and cut their paintings into equal sections for each panel to create kinetic optical illusions.

This is when the "ah-ha" moment clicked when students could actually see their illusions take shape. It was exciting to see the kinetic illusions become wavy paintings on the three-dimensional surface.

Viewing the Agamographs from different angles revealed the images that transition from side to the next.

Seasons Change

Earth, Water, Air, Fire

The Life of a Flower

These photos give the impression of each painting's final image as a still shot but the kinetic illusions are best experienced in motion!

The Magical Adventures of BMO

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

-Dr. Wayne Dyer

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